
Private Class

Mon - Sat

Adjust courses and time flexibly according to individual needs, choose your favorite coach, and provide the most suitable training for you.

Boot Camp

Monday to Friday 6:00am to 7:00am. Come join us in the morning before work. Start your day with health and energy. Provide yourself with a good mood throughout the day.

Women Self Defense Workshops

Specialized group classes for women. In the course, not only can you maintain a good posture through boxing, but you can also learn the skills and concepts to protect yourself in an emergency.

Boxing Philosophy Presentations

Learn the academic theory and art of boxing, combine boxing with life, and improve your attitude towards life.

Group Boxing Classes

Mon - Thur

9am-10am, 10am-11am, 6pm-7pm, 7pm-8pm

IBI Youth Program

Provide a healthy communication place for young people. The course not only teaches the basics of how to protect themselves, but also provides physical exercise and helps maintain health, thereby maintaining a healthy mental state. During the teaching process, boxing will also be used to enable young people to learn positive life attitudes such as perseverance and challenging difficulties.

Open Gym



IBI Boxing trainer certifications

Led by Coach Bilal, it is a comprehensive study of boxing techniques and academics. After the course is over and the certificate is obtained, you will have the opportunity to become an IBI coach.